Change management in SAP space is as difficult as construction skyscraper. It contains too much unfinished parts and too much suppliers. The requirements are often unclear or inaccurately defined. The Change manager is not in simple situation. Dozens transports will hurtle to productive system with larger or minor modifications. A lot of experiences and responsibility is important to problems do not create. Each want to know the answer to questions: How do the system easier? How get everything to control? How restrict a requirement to development and maintain operational security at the same time?
The scenario Change Management is possible to use in SOLMAN. In parallel development and release management we want to use solution which do the greatest benefit and reduction problems. SOLMAN is using for support of small and big changes as normal, urgent, operational or project changes. SOLMAN is using for control of transports support. Here is using Business Process Change Analyser and Quality Gates Management.
The new Change Management model will be different than actual setting and practiced process. Emphasis will be highlighted on:
Administration of requirements on different changes – unification (in SAP). Their approval procedures in unified space
Minimizing risks in relation to using change
Minimize collisions of parallel and competing changes
Efficient and transparent administration changes
Technical specifications realization for release management